Concrete Leveling And Repairs For Airport Runways – Dallas

Nothing requires the same level of safety as an international airport runway! Airport runways must be maintained at strict levels to allow aircraft to take off safely and land without damage to the airplanes or injury to passengers.
Having giant slabs of concrete sinking, causing planes moving at high rates of speed to slam down on them, could spell disaster if the plane landing gears gave way. Fortunately, our poly concrete leveling systems are strong enough to support a commercial airliner’s weight easily.

Concrete Leveling At Beijing's International Airport

Our foam was used at Beijing International Airport to lift several sunken slabs of concrete that had the potential to cause damage to airplanes moving about the airport. Our partner, HMI, was called in to showcase their foam and prove its capabilities for use on their airport runways to quickly repair the runways without downtime.

After showing what the foam was capable of, how much weight it could withstand, and just the overall integrity of the concrete lifting foam, clearance was given to use the foam on the runway. Our foam is the only foam cleared by the FAA for use on international airport runways. That’s huge!

More Time To Travel There Than Complete The Concrete Leveling Project

We mentioned that our foam concrete leveling system is fast, but this trip took HMI roughly a week to travel to the client’s site and only 4 hours to complete the work and allow the airport to become operational again. Yes, only 4 hours!

Our concrete leveling poly foam only takes 20 minutes to cure in most applications allowing you to drive on the surface treated with it when we leave.

The picture on this page is one of the images from that project. You can see how uneven and damaged these concrete runways were. 

HMI poly foam is a fantastic product we proudly offer to the Dallas – Fort Worth area!

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